Snap checkout button

The Snap Checkout button is designed to be a payment option for your website. When a customer clicks the button, a modal window launches a customer application. When the customer completes the application, the window closes.


Step 1: Import SDK Script

Import the script in the <head> section of your website, using the code snippet below. The script should load before your document body loads.
For production retailer integration replace with:

Step 2: Add button container

Add an element to your website to contain the Snap Checkout button.

Step 3: Initialize Snap

Once the script has been loaded, global functions in the snapuk object will be available. Initialize Snap by calling snapuk.init(clientId).
Make sure to replace the client ID with your production one when ready to go live.

Step 4: Create Transaction Data

Create the transaction data for the checkout. This is an example of correct transaction data.

Step 5: Add Snap Checkout Button

Add this script (inline) to your checkout page, passing in the transaction. This code renders the button to your page which, when clicked, launches the Snap Checkout window.
Once Snap has created an applicationId, the onApplicationId method will be invoked, passing in the applicationId and token.
We strongly recommend calling the Status API from the retailer's backend to verify the status of the application before storing the applicationId or updating any orders. See Status API for more information.

Snap Checkout Button Theming

The checkout button is now available in two theme colors: DARK and LIGHT, and you can configure this using the theme property.
To opt for a light theme for the button, simply set the theme property to LIGHT. By default, the button will be in the DARK theme.

Checkout Button with Dark theme:

Dark Checkout Button

Checkout Button with Light theme:

Light Checkout Button

For a full example please see here: Full example usage

Retailer Methods

Application ID

Once the Checkout has loaded and an application is created (this is when the 'About You' screen is submitted), an applicationId will be returned in the onApplicationId() method . Please see 'Step 5' under 'Implementation' below.


If financing is approved and the loan is successfully created, an onSuccess() event is called with the associated applicationId. We strongly recommend that the Status API is called on the server side of the retailer to ensure that the application is valid and the loan is created. Please see 'Step 5' under 'Implementation' below.


If financing is denied, an onDenied() event is called with the associated applicationId. Please see 'Step 5' under 'Implementation' below.


If there is an error in the Snap process, an onError() event is called with an object containing a message (string) and an applicationId (number) if we have one at that stage of the process. Please see 'Step 5' under 'Implementation' below.

Payment Failure

If a deposit payment has failed the limited amount of times then an onPaymentFailure() event is called with the associated applicationId. Please see 'Step 5' under 'Implementation' below.

Unverified Account

If we are unable to verify a bank account, then an onUnverifiedAccount() event is called with the associated applicationId. Please see 'Step 5' under 'Implementation' below.